"Holiday Training Support Pack" and "Goddess' Protection Gift Pack" are now available in the shop!
This is the Eternal Kingdom Battle Peak team.

Information about limited-time products.

Level up with "Holiday Training Support Pack"!

Pack products containing items useful for earning experience points, such as "Ring of Growth", which increases experience points when equipped, will be available for a limited time!

Sales Period
 4/25 (Tue) After maintenance - 5/9 (Tue) 13:59 (JST/GMT+9)
  *Can only be purchased during this period.

Item Name/Sales Price
Item NamePurchase LimitSales PriceItem Description
Holiday Training
Support Pack A
1 character
Up to 2 purchases
1600 BSA box containing items to help you gain experience.
When used, the following items can be obtained.
- Ring of Growth x1
* Battle EXP gain 2% UP
- Battle EXP UP Potion [60 min: 3x] x3
Holiday Training
Support Pack B
1 character
Up to 3 purchases
3200 BSA box containing items to help you gain experience.
When used, the following items can be obtained.

- Blessing of the World Tree x2
- Battle EXP UP Potion [60 min: 3x] x6
- Battle EXP UP Buff Ticket [3 hours : 1.5x] x2
*Limited time items may be on sale again after the period has ended.
*Image is for illustration purposes.

2 packs where you can purchase the Goddess' Protection at a great value

A pack that offer a discount on "Goddess' Protection," an item that prevents the reduction of equipment's enhancement value is available for a limited time!

Sales Period
 4/25 (Tue) After maintenance - 5/9 (Tue) 13:59 (JST/GMT+9)
  *Can only be purchased during this period.

Item Name/Sales Price
Item NamePurchase LimitSales PriceItem Description
Goddess' Protection Gift Pack A1 account
Up to 10 purchases
1600 BSPack that contains x10 Goddess' Protection.

・Goddess' Protection ×10
Goddess' Protection Gift Pack B1 account
Up to 10 purchases
7500 BSPack that contains x50 Goddess' Protection.

・Goddess' Protection ×50
*Limited time items may be on sale again after the period has ended.
*Image is for illustration purposes.

Thank you for your continued support of "Eternal Kingdom Battle Peak".